Sulfur releasing solution

Sulfur releasing solution

General specifications

N-700 solution has the following properties:

1. Proper release of the conveyor belt surface. Steel belt system. Roform

With. smeared to do. it by the release solution N-700,

In fact, it prevents sulfur grains from sticking to each other and to the surface.

2. Preventing the spread of molten sulfur droplets on the surface by reducing their surface tension.

3. The formation of hemispherical or lenticular sulfur grains.

4. No corrosion on metals.

5. Proper dissolution in water.

It should be noted that in order to achieve the best quality, this product is formulated and presented according to the operating conditions of each customer.


Physical and chemical properties

1. Appearance characteristics of relatively viscous transparent solution
2. pH (@25˚C)~7
3. Viscosity (CP) 150-300

4. Density (gr/cm3) 1.03-1.06


In the sulfur granulation unit of all gas refineries

Method of Use

1. The consumption of this solution varies according to the type of product and the quality of the surface.

In general, it is suggested to dissolve 1 to 5% of it with water with hardness below 30 ppm and pH around 7.

2. It should be mentioned that the best temperature for rapid dissolution of N-700 solution in water is above 30˚C.

3. Do not add any other chemicals to adjust the pH or for any other reason without coordination with the manufacturer.


What is sulfur and its use in industries

Sulfur element with chemical symbol S and atomic number 16 is placed in the 16th group of the periodic table.

This substance is known mostly in the form of yellow crystals found in sulfide and sulfate minerals

And it is a smelly, unpleasant and multi-valent non-metal. Sulfur is an important element for all living organisms.

It is also widely used in making gunpowder, laxatives, matches and insecticides.


According to statistics in 2001, Canada, Holland, Spain, China and the United States have the largest amount of

sulfur reserves in the world. It should be noted that most of Iran’s sulfur deposits are combined with sour gases

and oil resources, which are produced and exported in large quantities today. Among the most important

metamorphic sulfur deposits in Iran, in order of their reserves, are Bastane deposit in the west of Bandar Lange

, Khemer deposit in the northwest of Khemer port, Dastkade deposit in the western end of Qeshm Island, Latidan

deposit in the west of Bandar Abbas, West Bandar Abbas deposit and Delazian deposit in the south. Shargh Semnan pointed out.


What is sulfur and its properties

Sulfur is called Sulfur in English and has been known and used since ancient times.

Its color is pale yellow and it is very light and soft. When combined with hydrogen,

this element has a smell similar to that of rotten eggs. Sulfur burns with a blue flame and emits a strange smell.

This substance is insoluble in water, but it dissolves in carbon disulfide.

What is sulfur and its properties


Its color is pale yellow and it is very light and soft. When combined with hydrogen,

this element has a smell similar to that of rotten eggs. Sulfur burns with a blue flame and emits a strange smell.

This substance is insoluble in water, but it dissolves in carbon disulfide.

has multiple


Sulfur releasing solution

Sulfur releasing solution

General specifications


1. Proper release of the conveyor belt surface. Steel belt system. Roform

With. smeared to do. it by the release solution N-700,


2. Preventing the spread of molten sulfur droplets on the surface by reducing their surface tension.

3. The formation of hemispherical or lenticular sulfur grains.

4. No corrosion on metals.

5. Proper dissolution in water.


Physical and chemical properties

1. Appearance characteristics of relatively viscous transparent solution
2. pH (@25˚C)~7
3. Viscosity (CP) 150-300

4. Density (gr/cm3) 1.03-1.06


In the sulfur granulation unit of all gas refineries

Method of Use

1. The consumption of this solution varies according to the type of product and the quality of the surface.



3. Do not add any other chemicals to adjust the pH or for any other reason without coordination with the manufacturer.


What is sulfur and its use in industries


And it is a smelly, unpleasant and multi-valent non-metal. Sulfur is an important element for all living organisms.



According to statistics in 2001, Canada, Holland, Spain, China and the United States have the largest amount of

sulfur reserves in the world.


metamorphic sulfur deposits in Iran, in order of their reserves, are Bastane deposit in the west of Bandar Lange

, Khemer deposit in the northwest of Khemer port, Dastkade deposit in the western end of Qeshm Island, Latidan

deposit in the west of Bandar Abbas, West Bandar Abbas deposit and Delazian deposit in the south. Shargh Semnan pointed out.


What is sulfur and its properties


Its color is pale yellow and it is very light and soft

this element has a smell similar to that of rotten eggs. Sulfur burns with a blue flame and emits a strange smell.



What is sulfur and its properties


Its color is pale yellow and it is very light and soft.

this element has a smell similar to that of rotten eggs. Sulfur burns with a blue flame and emits a strange smell.


has multiple forms d.